

Metabolic syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a health condition that is already now widespread among the world’s population -30 to 40 % of adults by the age of 65 suffer from it – and the percentage is unfortunately still growing. With the metabolic syndrome being asymptomatic the detection of problems might take long. If it takes [...]
Stiff Person Syndrome You've probably heard of stiff person syndrome. Maybe you or a family member has been diagnosed with it, and maybe you're wondering what it is and how to manage symptoms. Or maybe you're just looking for more information about this rare condition. In any case, we've got you covered! In this article, [...]
Risk Factors for heart diseases The Heart Disease is a condition that affects the heart. It is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Heart disease can be caused by many factors including genetics, diet and lifestyle choices such as smoking, high blood pressure, stress and obesity etc. Smoking Smoking is a [...]
With more and more people talking openly about their mental health, gaslighting has become more and more common in the last few years. TV series, people speaking out without fear of losing their jobs in the sector they work in, and gaslighting being featured in TV programs have raised awareness. Let's take a closer look [...]
We all know the importance of oral health. With dental treatments starting from childhood, you can both protect oral health and put an end to aesthetic concerns. In the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, you can offer your children a healthy and economical solution with both quality materials and experienced dentists.What are the children braces? [...]
The best investment you can make in yourself is a check-up that will only take 1 day. In the comfort of a 5-star hotel, we recommend you to have this valuable experience with expert doctors and professors ın Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. Let's take a look at the importance of health check up.What is [...]
Our eye health is directly related to our quality of life. It can also be a harbinger of other diseases, and our eye health is never something that can be postponed. There are clinics in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus where we can get detailed information about our eye health with experienced doctors and [...]
Breast cancer can be prevented with awareness which is ver common in women over 40. Early diagnosis saves many lives. The most important thing in this disease is follow-up and early diagnosis. After 40 years of age, the disease can be detected with mammography, which is recommended once a year, and treatment can be started [...]
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers for which there is no clear cure yet, but much progress has been made. With the latest advances and technology in the medical world, you can start your treatment in Northern Cyprus and continue in the comfort of a 5-star hotel. We are here for you [...]
One of the most important issues for men is the length, thickness, and functionality of the penis after hypertrophy in men. Today, aesthetic penile surgery is preferred because men may complain of various deformities of the penis, size issues, thinness, curvature, and post-circumcision penile problems. Depending on many reasons or completely directly proportional to the [...]