5 Ways to Control Cholestrol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that’s present in all animal cells, including human cells. It’s also a major component of bile and other fats. In addition to serving as an important building block for hormones, vitamin D and steroid hormones like testosterone or cortisol, cholesterol helps form the membranes that surround all cells in your body and brain.

Cholesterol levels are measured using a blood test (serum lipid panel) which involves collecting blood samples by pricking the finger with a tiny needle to obtain several drops of blood which are then analyzed by your doctor who will then determine what your cholesterol levels are along with triglycerides, HDL/LDL ratio etc…

Reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet

Reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet.

Saturated fat is found in fatty meats, whole-milk dairy products, and coconut oil. It raises LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and is therefore the type of fat that clogs arteries. How much saturated fat is too much? The American Heart Association recommends keeping your daily intake below 7 percent of total calories for your overall health–but if you have heart disease or diabetes already, try to limit yourself to 5 percent or less.


Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

One of the best ways to control your cholesterol is by eating fruits and vegetables. Not only do they contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but they’re also low in saturated fat. And because they are high in fiber (which helps you feel full), you can eat more than one serving without feeling stuffed!


Limit trans fats, which are found in some processed foods

Trans fats are a type of fat that has been highly processed and is used in many commercially-prepared foods. They have been shown to raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL), which can increase your risk for heart disease.

For example, margarine or vegetable shortening may contain trans fats because they’re made with partially hydrogenated oils — which means that some of the hydrogen atoms were removed from their molecules during processing so they stay solid at room temperature. Trans fats can also be found in cookies, crackers and other baked goods; fried foods like french fries; snack foods such as potato chips; desserts like pie crusts or cakes made with vegetable shortening instead of butter; microwave popcorn bags; coffee creamers made with partially hydrogenated oils instead of cream.

Limit your intake of dietary cholesterol (found only in animal products).

The best way to reduce your intake of dietary cholesterol is to limit the amount of animal products you eat. Dietary cholesterol is only found in animal products, so if you want to cut back on this type of fat, look for plant-based alternatives that are also high in protein–like beans and legumes (for example).

  • Eggs
  • Organ Meats
  • Shellfish And Other Seafoods (e.g., shrimp)

These foods are likely already part of your diet but if not there are plenty more examples where they came from!

Keep track of your blood pressure, as well as your lipid profile (cholesterol levels) when visiting your doctor

Keep track of your blood pressure, as well as your lipid profile (cholesterol levels) when visiting your doctor.

You should also keep track of your weight and waist circumference. If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor about lifestyle changes you can make to lower it.

Keeping your cholesterol in check is a process that requires time and dedication, but it can be done. By making small changes to the way you eat and live, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease as well as other health problems caused by high cholesterol levels.

  • Eat healthy foods: The first step is to swap out unhealthy foods for nutritious alternatives that are good for your body and brain. Replace fried foods with grilled or baked ones; ditch soda for water or unsweetened tea; limit red meat consumption (or eliminate it altogether); choose whole grains over refined carbohydrates like white breads or pastas; add more fruits and vegetables into your diet whenever possible.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity not only helps boost metabolism but also lowers stress levels which contributes towards improving overall wellbeing too! It’s important not only during childhood but also adulthood because physical activity has been shown

Cholesterol is a necessary part of our diet. But high levels can be dangerous and lead to heart disease. So if you have high cholesterol, talk with your doctor about how best to manage it. The most important thing is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products; exercise regularly; keep track of your blood pressure as well as your lipid profile when visiting the doctor; reduce stress levels through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga; take medication if prescribed by a physician.

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