
Surgical intervention to tighten the vagina that is loosened due to the reasons such as vaginal birth, aging, etc.  is called vaginoplasty. The practice, also known as repairing the vagina and treating various complications related to pelvic floor disease, is also used to create a vagina for transgender individuals. Vaginoplasty operation should not be considered only as a procedure to increase the quality of sexual life. Problems related to vaginal enlargement can also negatively affect person’s life quality . Loss of self-confidence, urinary incontinence, flatulence, difficulty in doing sports are some of these effects. Urinary incontinence in cases such as sneezing, lifting weights and laughing, especially seen in women who have given birth, causes great problems in social life.

Considering all the factors, it is possible to mention that vaginoplasty surgery is an important need for a healthy life in some women. It is known as an application recommended by many doctors, especially in situations that affect personal life.

Who is eligible for vaginoplasty?

Who is eligible for vaginoplasty? Criteria of suitable candidate for vaginoplasty can be listed as follows;

  • People who have problems in sexual function due to birth defects or traumas,
  • The need for vaginal reconstruction in people who are involved in the treatment of cancer or different diseases such as radiation or excision,
  • People whose vaginal development is adversely affected due to problems that occur after birth, known as congenital abnormality,
  • Transgender individuals who have undergone gender confirmation surgery.

Is vaginoplasty the same as vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginoplasty is an operation also known as vaginal rejuvenation surgery. However, there are minor differences between them. Aesthetic vaginal surgery typically aims to improve the appearance of the labia and tighten the vagina. However, the primary goal of labiaplasty is to eliminate cosmetic problems rather than tightening the vagina.

How does it done?

The goal of vaginoplasty surgery is to contract and tighten the vagina. During the procedure, the skin tissue is separated and removed through an incision reminiscent of a rhombus made at the back of the vagina. Later, if muscle weakness is detected, the muscles are brought closer and the tissue is sutured for revision. Vaginoplasty operation, which is completed in an average of 1 to 1.5 hours, can also be performed for the purpose of correcting the perineum in North Cyprus. In perineal aesthetics accompanying vaginal tightening, the area between the vagina and anus is rearranged. Excess skin in the relevant area and traces of birth are removed. The opening at the vaginal entrance is corrected. The distance between the vagina and anus is increased. In this way, protection against infections is provided.


Recovery process

  • After the operation, patients are required to stay in the hospital for one day. It is possible to return to daily life within 5-7 days. It is recommended to pay attention to the cleanliness of the relevant area after the operation. Activities such as yoga, squats, pilates, etc., which require separation of the legs, should be suspended for a while.
  • After an average of five weeks and after a doctor’s examination, it is possible to have sexual intercourse. It is recommended to use a lubricant gel to adapt to the new structure of the vagina. In this process, it is necessary to act slowly in sexual intercourse.
  • In the first month after the operation, the sitting position may cause an uncomfortable feeling. For this reason, some applications may be recommended to reduce the pressure in the relevant region. It is not recommended to take a bath for an average of 8 weeks. It is normal to see swelling in the lip area after the operation. The severity of swelling may increase in situations such as standing or sitting for a long time. Therefore, ice compression will help to alleviate the amount of swelling.
  • Again, a brownish yellow flix may occur during the first 4-6 weeks after the operation. Spotting and bleeding can continue for the first 8 weeks. The amount of vaginal flix can be reduced with soap and shower. Again, lavender or chamomile soaps also help to clean the vagina.
  • Smoking and tobacco should be avoided for the first month after the surgery. Smoking can negatively affect the healing process.
  • Some patients can be given dilatation after the operation. Dilation is an application that has a significant effect on the healing process. Especially after gender confirmation surgery, it is recommended in order to create the ideal vaginal enlargement.

Recovery do’s and don’ts

  • Pay attention to personal hygiene after the vaginoplasty operation.
  • In order to prevent strain on the related muscles, foods that may cause constipation should be avoided and fibrous foods should be consumed.
  • Ice compression should be applied to prevent complaints of bleeding, edema and pain etc.
  • In order to accelerate the healing process, foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals should be added to the nutrition program.
  • It is recommended not to swim in the pool or the sea for the first 1 month after the operation.
  • Physical activities that will force the vaginal muscles should be avoided.
  • It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse for an average of five weeks.
  • The use of vaginal lubricant gel should be considered during sexual intercourse.

Will I need to use a vaginal dilator?

The reason for using a vaginal dilator after vaginoplasty surgery is to prevent a tendency of closing in the vaginal walls. Dilators that expand the vagina by keeping it open are recommended to patients after the operation. Approximately one week after the operation, the vaginal tampon is removed and the patients are explained how to use the dilator. The purpose of dilator application is to preserve the depth of the vagina. It is used both to accelerate the healing process and to enlarge the vagina in transgender individuals. How long to use the dilators, which increase the elasticity of the vaginal walls and prevent the skin graft from shrinking, is determined by the attending physician. The frequency of use is usually reduced after 12 months.

Risks of vaginoplasty procedure

As in every surgical intervention, it is possible to talk about some risk factors in vaginoplasty surgery. These risks are;

  • Bleeding, infection, separation of the suture line
  • Clitoral or skin-related necrosis
  • Vaginal prolapse or urinary retention
  • Formation of blood clots in the veins (Deep vein thrombosis)
  • Vaginal fistula
  • Vaginal stenosis (stenosis), which is a common complication after vaginoplasty
  • Bowel vaginoplasty

For More Information

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the subject.