Gay Parenting

What is gay parenting?

When a lesbian, gay, transgender or bisexual individuals has a child as a foster family or as parent, it is called gay parenting. Same-sex parenting can include children raised by single LGBT parents, as well as children raised by an opposite-sex couple where only one spouse is LGBT. LGBT individuals can become parents through many methods such as foster family, mutual IVF, surrogacy, adoption, co-parenting. Same-sex adoption, which is legal in 27 countries and some sub-regions, is still a widely preferred parenting procedure today.

Gay parenting process

Same-sex parenting includes many practices such as egg donation for male parents, sperm donation to female parents, mutual IVF in North Cyprus. Especially with the egg donor programs of IVF clinics, couples can have children. Gestational carriers carry the baby of individuals who want to have a child within the scope of IVF treatment with sperm and egg donation which can be done in Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. Thanks to this method, also called surrogacy, same-sex couples can have babies. Co-parenting with two or more people or a non-romantic couple being biological parents is another way of homosexual parenting. In this method, a gay man supplies a lesbian couple with sperm so they can have children.

How do I find a surrogate?

There are different methods and applications of finding surrogates. Among these applications, the most preferred are professional surrogacy agencies, which make it possible to choose a surrogate mother that suits your personal expectations, goals and needs. The most important feature of the agencies is that they have pre-approved proxies waiting to be matched. Surrogacy agencies, which are both reliable and results-oriented, also make it possible for you to get to know your surrogate and establish a good relationship with her during your pregnancy.

Surrogacy clinics are a good option for couples planning to become parents. Before pairing with surrogate mothers, couples who want to have a possible child are examined in the clinics to see if they are ready for the process. Professional guides organize all medical steps to carry out the process correctly in North Cyprus.

Another method used to find surrogates is surrogacy lawyers. Surrogacy attorneys are people who file potential surrogacy information and are involved when parents need to contact them for legal services. Many surrogacy attorneys work with fertility clinics and surrogacy matching specialists to help people find potential surrogates.

Individuals interested in independent surrogacy can also find a potential pregnancy carrier by communicating with friends or family members. Surrogacy by family and friends, which is a common practice, is also advantageous since the possible surrogate is already familiar to you.

It is also possible to find a surrogate mother online. Some websites and social media groups designed only for surrogacy help to find surrogates. However, in such methods, it is difficult to be sure that the selected person is the right candidate for the match. For this reason, the whole responsibility of the process belongs to the person who chooses the surrogate mother.

What to know about surrogacy?

It is called surrogacy when a woman, a couple or another woman carries baby for one willing to have a child. The purpose of surrogacy is to transfer their embryos to the womb of the surrogate mother and thus to create a fertilization process outside of her body. In this process, which is applied within the scope of standard IVF procedures, the surrogate mother carries the baby of individuals who do not have any genetic relationship with her.

Embryos are formed from the sperm of the male or the sperm of the donor, and the egg of the mother and the egg of the donor. At the birth of the baby, the parents assume the legal parental rights in the birth certificate and take full responsibility for the child. The surrogate mother does not have any genetic relationship with the baby. Surrogacy, which is a frequently preferred method in same-sex parenting, can also be applied due to different medical reasons, infertility, and advanced age.


How to choose the right sperm donor?

The main criteria to be considered for the selection of a correct sperm donor can be listed as follows;

  • Sperm bank: Although sperm banks are generally selective about sperm donors, some sperm institutions may only cooperate with people trying to create a typical population. Again, some institutions only receive donations from men in a certain age range. For this reason, the institution to be chosen is very important.
  • Formal and unofficial regulations: The sperm bank to be selected must be an institution that can be assisted with both official and daily arrangements.
  • Familial connections: The donor’s biological ties to the family is one of the criteria that some couples care about. In such a case, a correct sperm donor should be selected.
  • Anonymity: When choosing a sperm donor, it should be taken into account whether the donor to be selected is anonymous or an explicit donor using name. Some donors may not want to be recognized by the mother and child. Donors who want to be recognized, are contacted when the child turns 18.
  • Donor education: People looking for donors mainly prefer people with higher education. People who care about career and education should be sensitive about this criterion.

How can I match with my egg donor?

The process of coupling with an egg donor may require extensive research. In this process, both the expectations of the couples who want to be parents and the individual characteristics of the donor are decisive. There are some criteria that are taken into account in the process of matching with an egg donor. These criteria can be listed as follows;

  • Physical appearance
  • Talents and interests
  • Education level
  • Cultural heritage
  • Religious background

For More Information

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